Law Offices of Randall A. Fischer, P.A. Lawyer | Stuart | Port St. Lucie | Jupiter 772.463.7737 | 561.316.7111

Exemptions from Wage Garnishment

Exemptions from Wage Garnishment Florida Many people in Port St Lucie, Stewart, and Jupiter have been hard hit by the Great Recession. This economic downturn has resulted in a decrease in individual earning capacity. Consequently, many have been unable to pay credit card bills and other unsecured obligations which have resulted in judgements against them. […]

Can I keep my car if I file for Bankruptcy?

Can I keep my car if I file for Bankruptcy? Bankruptcy Port St. Lucie, Stuart, Jupiter FL I have had this question come up from clients in Port St. Lucie, Jupiter and Stuart.  There is always a tremendous concern regarding whether or not a client can keep their car when they file for bankruptcy, specifically […]

Bankruptcy Before Divorce?

Should I File Bankruptcy Before Or After I Am Divorced? Divorce used to be four letter word.  There was a social dishonor attached with the concept of divorce.  With the divorce rate hovering around 50% for first time marriages, and even higher rates for second and third marriages, social acceptance of the process is more […]